Thursday, January 28, 2010

10 weeks ultrasound

Here is the picture from our 10 week ultrasound. I meant to upload it with the earlier post!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Another good report!

We went to the doctor again today for our 10 week visit. I was very pleasantly surprised when they let us know we would be doing another ultrasound! I thought I wouldn't be having another until 20 weeks since we had one at 8 weeks already, so this was a very special gift. BC(Baby Cunnings) has grown so much and he/she was so active this time. It was so fun to watch the baby move around and see the tiny fingers and toes. It looked like BC was trying to suck it's thumb most of the time, or maybe he/she was just playing peek-a-boo. Anyway, we are just so thankful for God's provision in carrying me and the baby through this pregnancy healthy to date. For those of you trying to guess BOY or GIRL, the HR was 167 today. It was 170 at our 8 week visit. We'll keep you posted!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

You and Me Plus Baby Makes Three!

John and I found out over Christmas that we are going to be having a baby!!! It was a wonderful Christmas present to share with our family and friends! This weekend I will be 10 weeks.
Can't wait to find out what we're having!
You can place a vote to the right if you want to make a guess.