Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Week Twelve - Eden Singing(video)

Eden has been so much more verbal in the past 2-3 days and we just love hearing her sweet little voice! It's so fun to talk to her or sing to her and have her "talk" and "sing" with us! John was singing to her here and she started singing along. We have tried to capture her doing this on video before today, but she usually sees the camera and becomes distracted and stops. Today I caught her without her knowing, but you will see she notices the camera near the end of the video!

(This is my first attempt at loading a video on the blog. If this works well I am planning to add more in the future!)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Week Eleven - cousins

Eden continues to grow and get more active and verbal daily! It's so fun to hear her testing out her voice by trying to make new sounds. Sometimes she surprises herself with the sounds she makes! It's so fun and sweet to see her personality developing. She has been sleeping longer stretches at night, some nights she will sleep 9 hours and then go back to sleep for another 4!

Aunt Lauren and Cousin Benjamin came to babysit Eden so John and I could go out for a real date. We hardly knew what to do with ourselves, but it was a much needed outing! We are so grateful to our family and friends for being such an awesome support!

Here are a couple pictures of Eden with Benjamin and Lauren.
Benjamin loves Eden! He likes to "pet it" (touch her) and "hold it"(hold her) and he even asked if he could help Lauren "slap it" (burp her). Such a sweet relationship these two little cousins are going to have!

Shout out to Mary

I wanted to share a couple photos of Eden in the adorable onesie that our friend Mary Hanks sent. She has an Etsy store and also sent Eden a precious embroidered burp cloth and bib that I love!! Thank you Mary! You can check out her online store here.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Baby Blues - 10.5 weeks

John and I have come to the conclusion that Eden will NOT have brown eyes. If for some crazy reason she does, we will be VERY surprised! Right now her eyes are a beautiful dark blue with a light ring around her pupil and I really hope they stay blue.
We are loving her little coos, smiles and laughs that seem to increase daily. It's so fun to see her little personality taking shape. Right now she loves trying to get her hands to her mouth, and I am afraid to say she will probably be a thumb-sucker. We have tried again and again to get her to take a pacifier instead, but she will not!
We love this sweet little girl - she's such a blessing from the Lord!