Monday, December 13, 2010

Family Pictures

The week after Thanksgiving we took some family pictures with my friend, Shannon. She did a wonderful job! Eden is 14 weeks old here.

Catching up - Thanksgiving Week

Thanksgiving week is always filled with a lot of family and fun! Most of John's extended family comes to stay in the Flowery Branch area every year and we have a fun filled week planned.

Wednesday we had a soup dinner at out home, for which I made nothing! All of the food was made and brought by other family and it was wonderful. I forgot to take pictures while everyone was here.

Thursday was the Thanksgiving feast at the church. So yummy! Here are a few pictures from that:
Cousin Matt holding tired little Eden.
Sweet Lucy, holding Eden. Lucy was so sweet to spend a lot of time holding our little one!
Great-Aunt Ann, holding Eden.
5 of the 6 wonderful McNutt sisters. John's mom, Joan/Nana is the one in the purple sweater in the middle.
John, Andrew, Melissa (& baby girl), Jacob, Eden, Me and John.
Quick family picture. Eden was tired and ready for her nap!

We spent Friday with my family. We had a chili dinner at our home and we made s'mores over the fire for dessert and decorated the Christmas tree. Eden received her first set of Christmas PJ's, which was always a tradition for me and my sister when we were growing up. I will have to get a picture of her in them to post.

Saturday morning we had our 3rd annual girls brunch at my home. I love having women in my house. It helps balance all the testosterone I live with when the boys are here!
We had a great week! We missed all of you that couldn't be here this year and we are already looking forward to next year!