Sunday, March 20, 2011

First Weekend Away

This weekend John and I spent our first night away from Eden since she was born. We had a wonderful time and, though we missed her, we were at such peace knowing she was in good hands back at home with my parents!

We went up to Rome, GA and spent time at the Winshape Retreat. I had worked a couple summers in college at Camp Winshape, so it was a lot of fun to show John around the campus. We hiked 2 separate hikes, each about 5 miles long and the weather was so perfect.

We couldn't have asked for a better weekend!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

6 month check-up and a tooth

We took Eden to the doctor on Tuesday for her 6 month check-up. Everything looks great! She weighed in at 16lbs. 7oz. and was 28.25in long. She is eating and growing wonderfully. She is very happy and healthy. Checks out well with her sleeping, social and motor development.

One minor concern - She is still having some issues with the tear duct in the right eye. It will be overactive at times and then dry and goopy at others, but it is rarely "normal." If things don't look better by 9 months, we will have to set up an appointment with the pediatric Optomatrist to possibly have a procedure done to correct it.

She did great with her shots. Small amount of crying, but stopped immediately when it was all over with.

In other news, Eden got her first tooth (bottom right) a little more than a week ago, and she is basically sitting up on her own now. Yay!