Tuesday, July 26, 2011

11 months old

I cannot believe that our baby girl is 11 months old today! That means in one month we will be celebrating her first birthday. It's so hard to believe, but we are loving our sweet moments with Eden and watching her grow and explore in her little world! She is such a blessing to us!

A quick pic John got of her taking her first bath without her infant tub. She did great!!

Lake Lanier Dinner Cruise

The week of July 4th, some of our houseparent friends arranged for the Eagle Ranch staff and spouses to take a dinner cruise at sunset around Lake Lanier. We had a fabulous time! Thank you so much to the staff for being so generous in hosting us for a fun and relaxing evening (without the children)!

John is jealous of Aaron's fu manchu!

4th of July Celebration

This year for the 4th of July, we went to my sister's church's celebration. The weather wasn't looking too good, overcast and raining off and on, but we went anyway and the temperature was perfect (no heat or blazing sun to make us miserable)!

Everyone we met was so nice! There were a lot of activities - volleyball, hayrides, sack races, a giant slide, skeet shooting and more.

We had a great time, but snuck out before the fireworks began ( I know, I know, for some people that's all the fun of the 4th) because Eden needed to get to bed.

Thanks for inviting us, Lauren!!

Time to eat

I realized a little while back that I haven't taken any pictures of Eden at meal times. I decided to snap a few while John was feeding her breakfast a few weeks back. She had fun hamming it up for the camera!

4th of July Cutie

Thanks to Uncle Ron and Aunt Bethany for the adorable outfit. She loved wearing it as you can tell!!

Bath Time

Eden loves bath time. She squeels and sings the whole time and loves playing with the water!

Father's Day

I am uploading a bunch of pictures from my camera and realized I am WAY behind on blogging! The summers seem to come and go so quickly for us.

Here are some pictures from John's first Father's Day with Eden.

Eden "made" a mouse pad for John with pictures of the two of them on it.