Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Baby Belly - 23 weeks and Glider!!

I am a little late getting the post up this week! Sorry!
I am 23 weeks, almost at the 6 month mark, and that is so hard to believe.
I feel like I am huge already, but know I still have a long way to go, so I am trying to keep that in perspective:). God is blessing me with energy and I am thankful for his provisions!!

We are really enjoying working on the nursery as we start getting things in order for our sweet little girl. (Maybe I should say "I am," and not speak for John! Even though he has been such a wonderfully willing and supportive husband. He will do anything I ask!)
We have pretty much settled on the name Eden Joy. We have both really liked it for a while, and have yet to find something we like better, so Eden Joy she will be for now unless we have a huge revelation in the next few months!

I wanted to share a picture of the wonderful glider/rocker we were able to get for the nursery! Our families have been so wonderfully generous and helpful as we prepare! We picked it up yesterday and put it in the nursery immediately. I almost fell asleep in it yesterday trying it out. I know may hugs, snuggles and naps will be shared in that chair and we love it already!

This is a close up of the fabric for the chair!


  1. It's so beautiful! You will spend your LIFE in that glider in a few months :)

  2. What a beautiful glider - really like the fabric choice too. Even looks perfect for a nana's rear! :) EJ is growing so fast - you look beautiful as always! xox

  3. Gliders will always be a great help to mothers. I spent my first few months nursing my baby on a glider.
    gliders for nursery
