Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Baby Belly - 31 weeks

Here is the 31 week belly photo. I cannot believe we are counting down the last couple months, which will soon be a few weeks, days, etc! We are so excited to meet our little Eden Joy, but also anxious about our first try at parenting! Please pray with us and for us as we continue on this awesome journey God is giving us!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Baby Belly - 30 weeks

Well, it's hard to believe we've made it to 30 weeks already! From this point forward I will be able to count down the weeks on my hands until little Eden arrives, unless she is late of course! Today I am NOT loving the heat, but I am oh so thankful for our air conditioning, comfortable maternity clothes and a good book to help me relax! Here is the 30 week belly photo...
You may have noticed we missed the last two weeks of belly pictures! I am happy and sad to say the weeks went by so quickly, we never seemed to find a moment to take a picture before the week was too far gone. Two weeks ago we were on a break from our Ranch boys and so I was able to have a great time with family and friends! This past week our Ranch boys returned, 4 of them being new to our home, and with the lack of breaks in our summer schedule we have remained very occupied!

I will say though, Eden's nursery is coming along quite nicely! Just a few more finishing touches and I will share photos for everyone to see!!