Sunday, June 13, 2010

Baby Belly - 30 weeks

Well, it's hard to believe we've made it to 30 weeks already! From this point forward I will be able to count down the weeks on my hands until little Eden arrives, unless she is late of course! Today I am NOT loving the heat, but I am oh so thankful for our air conditioning, comfortable maternity clothes and a good book to help me relax! Here is the 30 week belly photo...
You may have noticed we missed the last two weeks of belly pictures! I am happy and sad to say the weeks went by so quickly, we never seemed to find a moment to take a picture before the week was too far gone. Two weeks ago we were on a break from our Ranch boys and so I was able to have a great time with family and friends! This past week our Ranch boys returned, 4 of them being new to our home, and with the lack of breaks in our summer schedule we have remained very occupied!

I will say though, Eden's nursery is coming along quite nicely! Just a few more finishing touches and I will share photos for everyone to see!!


  1. Nothing is more beautiful than a woman who is expecting! And you, my friend, are gorgeous! Treasure every moment with Eden inside. You are stunning Jordan!

  2. You look amazing!! I can't wait to see pictures of the nursery, I know it will be fabulous!

  3. My favorite pic so far! You looked beautiful in that dress Sunday, Jordan. Loved it! A family welcome to your 4 new boys!!!

  4. Thank you both! Ya'll are too kind:)
