Sorry, I am a little late getting this weeks photo up! The weekends we have with the Eagle Ranch boys here are full and busy, so they fly by like a whirlwind sometimes. The boys were with us this weekend, so that is why my picture is late. But anyway, I am now just over 14 weeks. So here is the picture of my baby bump...
God has healed me of a cold, stomach bug and sinus infection over the past few weeks and He has been so gracious to practically bring my morning sickness to an end over the past two weeks (and give me more energy!) Everyone has told me your second trimester is the most enjoyable and I can see why! I am really looking forward to feeling the baby kick and move and for the first time when John can feel it externally! I cannot wait to find out what we are having - we will be thrilled with either a boy or girl!
We are headed to the doctor today, so I will post an update after that! Oh, and I also need to share some of my first consignment sale deals I got last week - FUN!