Tuesday, February 23, 2010

14 week Dr. visit

Toady's visit went well! It was brief since there was no ultrasound and no major concerns on either end, which is a blessing! The baby's HR was 156, so it has dropped a little with every visit. I had gained 5.5 lbs since my last appointment- yikes! We go back in 4 weeks at which I will be 18 weeks. I am hoping and praying they will be gracious and let me go ahead and get my ultrasound to determine the gender! They said it isn't typically until the 20-22 week (which I knew), but I am hoping to know what we are having before spring break so my nesting can begin! Pray that they are willing to do it early!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's an insurance thing, that's why they wait till 20 weeks. Patience, my friend :)
    he he. I know it's hard!
