Sunday, August 8, 2010

Eden's Nursery

Putting Eden's nursery together has been such a fun project for me! Here are some photos of her little nest. Hope you enjoy...The frame was a gift from her great-aunts Charlotte & Becky and pseudo aunts Melissa and Mary Anne! Can't wait to put a picture of her sweet face in there!
Chloe, the butterfly doll, was a gift from her Gram and Pop (my parents). I hope it is her favorite doll, because I know it will be mine!

Wall art above the crib.

Glider was a gift from Nana and Grandpa (John's parents). We love it and use it so much already!
The blanket and pillow were handmade by my mother.
The bedskirt and small quilt were made by John's mom.
Changing table - great antique find on craigslist!

Accessories - what girl can live without them (thanks Tiff and mom)!
Homemade mobile thanks to TJ Maxx and Etsy!

Wall hanging - $5 ebay deal!


  1. What a precious room for a precious child of the King! So calming and inviting...cant wait to rock Eden to sleep in her nest!
