Sunday, August 8, 2010

Baby Belly - 38 weeks

2 more weeks until my due date! I cannot believe we are already this close to the end. At my past two weekly appointments I have not had any dilating, so I am beginning to think Eden is going to be a late baby... guess we will see.

Anybody want to guess her length, weight and arrival date for fun? Put it in your comments!


  1. You look GREAT!!! A beautiful healthy, happy glow even in this heat. We're so happy for you guys!

  2. So exciting!!

    Martha's guess:
    Weight: 7.13
    Length: 20 in
    Date: August 23

    Mom's guess:
    Weight: 8.1
    Length: 21 in
    Date: August 22

    Love you both! xoxo

  3. Nana Joan's guess;
    Weight: 7.11
    Length: 21 in
    Date: August 20

    Papa John's guess:(yes,he understood the ?)
    Weight: 6.4
    Length: 19 in
    Date: August 19

    Julia's guess:
    Weight: 7.2
    Length: 21 in
    Date: August 26

  4. Beth's guess:
    Weight: 7.8
    Length: 21" long
    Date: August 22
