Tuesday, January 18, 2011

4 month check-up

The first week of January we took Eden for her 4 month check-up. She was 14lbs 3oz (75%) and 27in (95%+) long. She esentially gained 3 lbs and 3.5 in, so there is a bit of a trend in her growth patterns (last appt. she had gained 3 lbs and 3 in).

She was at or ahead of all her developmental milestones and she was so happy and engaging with Dr. Hilton and his nurse. She got her second round of shots and she did excellent with those once again. Just a little bit of crying, but she slept like a champ the next 24 hours. I started wondering if we could make shots a weekly thing! :)

Eden is truly a JOY! Living up to her name - our "perfect joy." She is sleeping so well, through the night (I am talking 12-13 hours at a time) and has been for several weeks now. She is also drooling a lot which makes me think she is beginning teething, but she has been drooling a lot for the past 3-4 weeks and still no sign of teeth. She is smiling, laughing, making all kinds of fun noises and over the past two weeks she has been trying to blow raspberries!

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