Tuesday, February 22, 2011

6 months

Wow, 6 months with our sweet baby girl have already gone by. Well, almost. Eden will be 6 months old in 4 days.

I just cannot believe it!

She has been changing so much here lately.

She is doing so many new things,
- taking a pacifier AND sucking her thumb (neither of which she did until a couple weeks ago)
- trying to hold her bottle on her own
- likes being on her tummy(didn't like it before)
- sleeping on her tummy
- done with nursing
- riding in the stroller without being in her car seat

and is on the brink of so many others
- sitting on her own (so close, but not quite there yet)
- sleeping without her swaddle ( sleeping with both arms out as I write & hoping to be done with the swaddle next week)
- getting teeth (drooling, chewing and more fussiness and can feel the bumps under her gums)

and all I can say is that she is truly a wonderful little girl! She is so fun to love and be with and I hate to say that there are times that I wish I could just freeze her in this stage forever. She is growing and changing so fast and I tell John how sad I feel that her first birthday will be here before we know it.

But enough with the "Debbie Downer" comments :).

I wanted to share a few pictures I took of her yesterday to capture her wonderful-little-6-month-old-self. I am just so thankful to be the mother of this precious child!