Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Girls' Weekend

In honor of my Mom's 60th birthday, we had a girls' weekend this past weekend! Bethany kidnapped my mom from work on Friday and met us at the Eagle Ranch lodge.

We started the evening with time with the grandkids. Eden and Benjamin love their Gram!

We hung out, caught up and munched on some yummy snacks. Benjamin had fun taking pictures with my camera, playing photographer. (I won't post all of the pictures he took of crown molding, couch cushions, etc.)

We then had mom open her presents(with some help from Benjamin).

One of Mom's new outfits!

The kiddos were soon picked up by their daddys, so we could enjoy a nice dinner and watch a chick-flick.

The next morning we went out for manis and pedis and had lunch at Aquaterra in Buford!

We had such a great time celebrating with Mom and we are so thankful for the 60 years of life God has blessed her with! Also, thanks to our husbands for giving us the time with the girls!

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