Sunday, June 5, 2011

9 Month Check-up

We took Eden in for her 9 month check-up on Thursday (May 31st). Dr. Hilton was mainly checking her gross and motor development as well as social development and growth (meaning no shots this visit). She checked out well in all areas! I was concerned because she isn't quite fully crawling yet, but the doctor was encouraged by how she was able to manuver and felt she was fine.

She is quite a tall girl, as we know. She measured at 29in long (90th percentile). She was also 19lbs 5oz for weight (70th percentile). I had a feeling she would weigh in around 20lbs. I am getting quite the workout when I hold her these days!!

One bit of good news: Eden's tear duct problem is gone as far as we can tell! When she had her ear infection and a round of antibiotics about a month ago her eye cleared up and she hasn't had any issues since. We are so thankful God healed her little eye and that she will not need to have the tear duct procedure! I asked the doctor if her eye clearing up was related to the antibiotics she was on and he said that is not typical, so he didn't have much of an explination, but we are all just so happy it has cleared up.

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