Sunday, June 5, 2011

Beach Trip

The week before Memorial Day we went to Mexico Beach with 2 other houseparent couples, who are dear friends of ours. This was the first week of our 2 week break before the summer program begins at the Ranch. The weather was gorgeous and it was the perfect way to relax and have fun!

I was a little nervious about how Eden would do on her first vacation with being in the car for 7 hours and sleeping in a new place, but overall she was amazing!! She was a trooper :).

I couldn't wait to get down to the water and to see what Eden thought. Needless to say, I think she was a little overwhelmed and not sure what to think of the waves!

Since it was our first day, we decided she was probably tired from traveling and that she might do better the next day with a good nights sleep.The next day she did much better! Our friend Julie dug a little baby pool in the sand and Eden really enjoyed it.

She really loved playing with Benjamin, too!

She played until she was too tired to play anymore and napped on the beach with daddy.

We had a wonderful dinner at a restaurant called Two Crabs. Some of the best seafood we have ever eaten!

The guys braved the oysters - yuck!

We spent the next couple days relaxing on the beach, swimming, reading, eating and napping. It was a great vacation!

By the last day, Eden was enjoying the beach and loved playing in the sand. She was even screaming at the waves as they roared up on the shore! (It's easier to be brave when you're sitting safely in daddys arms!)

It was so nice to go to the beach with friends! We really enjoyed their company and willingness to lend a helping hand. We really hope we can do this again next year!!

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful pics!! Simply beautiful of you all!! Sounds like you had a restful time away. The Princess looks right at home at the beach -- comes by that naturally! I love you!
