Thursday, March 25, 2010

Baby Kicks

When John and I went to the doctor on Tuesday he talked to us about feeling the baby moving. I told him that I thought I had felt it move once a couple weeks ago, but nothing since then. He said that was normal and that I probably wouldn't really start to feel it for another week or two, and then on top of that it would be another few weeks until John could feel the baby externally.

I guess that is why I was so surprised when I climbed in the bed last night and pretty quickly noticed a feeling like a little hand or foot had swiped the inside of my belly. I jumped and said "Oh my gosh, I just felt the baby move!" It tickled and was followed by several kicks and bumps. I immediately put my hand on my stomach and could feel it externally, so John put his hand on my stomach and he was able to feel it too! It was so much fun! I had such a hard time trying to fall asleep because I kept laying there with my hand on my stomach waiting to feel more kicks!

This is such a fun time in the pregnancy!!!

1 comment:

  1. Soon you won't be able to fall asleep because it's kicking so much! Both of mine had active times when I laid down to go to sleep :)
