Saturday, March 13, 2010


Well, I think I might have felt the baby move for the first time on Thursday night! John and I had been out for a nice dinner to make up for my birthday and Valentine's Day since I was not fond of food during either of those celebrations. (As a side note, it was funny when we ordered because I ordered filet mignon and garlic mashed potatoes and John ordered a salad and scallops, which is quite the reversal compared to most couples! All I can say is I have been wanting A LOT of protein with this baby!) Anyway, after dinner we were picking out a movie at Blockbuster and I felt a light fluttering in the very low part of my abdomen. Many people have told me it feels like butterflies. I would say it was a very light "butterfly-ish" feeling. The only thing is, I have not noticed it again, so maybe it was a fluke. I guess only time will tell...

1 comment:

  1. I'm voting it's a boy then...only because when I was pregnant with Mary, I craved sweets and carbs...when I was pregnant with James, I craved MEAT! The funny thing is, now that's what each of them crave! I rarely see you at church, so it's been fun keeping up with you and your exciting addition on your blog...keep it up! It'll be so fun to look back on in the future.
