Monday, March 8, 2010

I love avocados!

Well, this week the baby is the size of an avocado (according to and some of you know how much I LOVE avocados! Some of the other food comparisons they make to the baby's size have not been quite as appetizing, so this week I will have to celebrate by eating extra guacamole or something!

It's hard to believe the tiny person that was the size of a sesame seed when we found out about him/her has grown to be this big in a matter of a couple months! The Lord has been so good and faithful to us by giving us this child and sustaining it's life over the past 4 months. Pray with us that He will continue to carry our baby through the pregnancy healthy!


  1. Maybe we should rename BC to BG (Baby Guac). :)

  2. Haha!! Already had some avocado with dinner tonight - yum!
