Saturday, March 13, 2010

Treasure Hunting

I have been a sucker for bargain shopping and finding a good deal from the time my parents started giving me my allowance (thanks mom and dad!) Needless to say, there are few times I splurge on a full priced item and even some sale prices are far more than I am willing to pay! So, when we found out we were pregnant I felt like I was embarking on a huge treasure hunt to find all of the right items for the baby and the nursery. One thing I had been wanting for the nursery was an antique piece of furniture that could be used for a changing table now and then once we are out of the baby phase of life it can be used in another way. I have been looking at thrift stores, discount stores, online, etc. Everything that was close to what I hoped for was either way too far of a driving distance and/or way out of our price range, until yesterday...
I found this lovely piece on craigslist and a reasonable price and within a good driving distance from where we live! When I called the owner, we found out that he knows a couple that has worked at Eagle Ranch too. We made arrangements to pick up the furniture and got off the phone, but he soon called back and said that he and his wife wanted to give us there pack-n-play (which seems to be in very good shape!) and they asked if we would be interested in the in-home gym he had only used twice (which those of you who know John know he jumped all over that offer)! What a blessing! On top of that, when John went the pick EVERYTHING up, they gave us a very nice tricycle that their children have never used. Talk about a HOOK-UP! We are so thankful to God and this family for their generosity!

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