Friday, October 22, 2010

Week Eight

I cannot believe Eden is already 8 weeks old!! Yesterday (Thursday) was 8 weeks exactly and Eden had her 2 month visit to the doctor. She looks like she's been growing like crazy the past few weeks so we were very eager to see how much length and weight she had gained.

Eden weighed in at 10 lbs 13 oz and 23.5 in long. At birth she was 7 lbs 14 oz and 20.5 in long, so she has basically gained 3 lbs and 3 in over the past 2 months. She is in the 50% for weight and 90% for height. This girl doesn't have a prayer for being average height, much less short. We have so many tall family members!

She also received her first round of immunizations and she did great! She of course cried when the nurse gave her the first shot, but as soon as she finished and I picked her up she stopped crying. She slept wonderfully through the night (8 hours the first stretch of the night) and has not had a fever. I am wondering if these immunizations can become a weekly event, just kidding!

No news on her hip ultrasound yet, but the doctor is suppose to call when they get the results, so we're still waiting on that.

I took a few pictures of Eden enjoying her swing this morning - she loves it!

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