Thursday, October 14, 2010

Week One

Two days after we got home from the hospital we had Eden's first doctor's appointment. There were a few concerns at her first visit - she was still jaundice, her hips felt loose and her weight had dropped a good bit. When she was born, she weighed 7lbs. 14oz. When we left the hospital she had dropped to 7lbs. 8oz. and the day of her first doctor's visit she was down to 6lbs. 10oz.

Dr. Hilton, our pediatrician, made an order to have a Bili-bed delivered to the house for Eden to sleep on to help drop her bilirubin level.

She hated the bed at first, but got use to it. Thankfully, she only had to sleep on the bed for about 2.5 days!

We also were instructed to try and get her weight up, so we did hardly anything but feed her for the next 24 hours, and when we went back to the doctor the next day she had almost gained a whole pound! She was back up to 7lbs. 9oz.

We were told that the doctor would just watch her hips over the next several weeks to see if they tightened on their own.

In the first week, we had 3 doctors appointments, which we did not anticipate ahead of time. Thankfully John and I had been relieved of our Eagle Ranch duties for the week so we were able to get adjusted to life with our little girl :).

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