Sunday, October 17, 2010

Week Three

By week three, everything had started to smooth out with nursing - the first 2.5 weeks were challenging. If I had not had so many sweet women around me telling me it would get easier after the first 2 weeks, I think (actually I KNOW) I would have given up!

This was a very difficult week in many other ways. The lack of sleep was becoming overwhelming and I was on a hormonal roller coaster. I talked with some dear friends and family (you know who you are!) and was encouraged that what I was going through was normal, but I have to say - the things you think and feel at a time like this are something you could never explain to anyone until they have been through it!

I am thankful that God put so many great people around me, this week especially, to help me gain the right perspective! All-in-all I realized what a wonderful and relatively easy baby we had been blessed with and what a great support system we have surrounding us - we are so spoiled by God's love for us!

The highlight of this week had to be a visit from my friend Tiffany! She took some wonderful newborn photos of our sweet baby girl. Check them out here: Simply Yours Photography - Sweet Baby Eden

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