Sunday, October 17, 2010

Week Seven

This week Eden had her follow-up ultrasound on her hips. This was a recommendation by our pediatrician after her 2 week appointment. We were told to go to the hospital to a certain wing at a certain time and that was all we were told! Needless to say, by the time we got to where we were supposed to be, we were both pretty frazzled and a little late on top of that. We were very pleasantly surprised when our ultrasound tech was a girl from our church and it was a comfort to have her working with Eden! Eden did fabulous, didn't even cry once. We will get the results from the ultrasound when we go for her 2 month visit this Thursday. We are praying she has no looseness in her hips so we will not have to go forward with any other treatment - please pray with us!

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